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Cash flow

Read on to find out how to best manage your business cash flow

September 15, 2021
Cash flow

Forecasting Cash Flows

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

A Guide to the Discounted Cash Flow DCF

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

What is a cash flow statement?

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

Cash Flow Problems

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

What is a cash flow model?

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

How to Calculate Free Cash Flow

July 23, 2021
Cash flow

What is Cash flow and why is it so important?

July 2, 2021
Cash flow

Tips to Increase Your Financial Awareness with Xero: How and Why Small Businesses Can Use Their Account for Cash Flow Forecasting

Many small businesses struggle with cash flow forecasting. It can be hard to keep up with the day-to-day management of your business and stay on top of what's coming in, what you owe, and how much money is going out. If you are using Xero then you're already head and shoulders above a lot of small business owners. Xero is used around the world by thousands of accountants and bookkeepers, and for good reason.

June 28, 2021
Cash flow

The Basics of Cash Flow for your Small Business: Terminology, Best Practices and More

Cash flow is one of the most important aspects of any small business. If cash flow is not managed correctly, a small business can quickly go under and fail to survive. In this blog post, we will discuss cash management terminology and best practices for your small business so you are in the best position possible to avoid failure!In June 2019, half of the small businesses in the UK had negative cash flow. This is a no-nonsense guide to everything you should know about cash flow management, terminology, and best practices for your business. Follow these steps and get the basics right and you’re putting your business in the best position to avoid cash flow problems.

June 22, 2021
Cash flow

6 Ways to Fix a Negative Cash Flow

Sometimes it feels like cash is always going out and never coming in. Even if sales are high, it can seem like the company's cash position is dwindling. Keeping an eye on the cash flow is one of the most important things you can do as a small business owner, but it's also something that many people take for granted. This blog post will explore some common causes for negative cash flow and offer tips on how to fix them so you don't have to worry about running out!

June 22, 2021
Cash flow

How to create an accurate business cash flow forecast

Have you ever wondered how your business performance will be next year? It's not an easy question to answer. With so many different factors that can affect your company's financial statement, it can be difficult to predict. But we've got you sorted!

May 28, 2021
Cash flow

4 Common Cash Flow Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs - A Guide for Small Business Owners

There is one thing that every small business owner should be focusing on, and that's cash flow.

May 27, 2021
Cash flow

Boost Your Cash Flow

It’s no secret that small businesses are the backbone of our economy. In fact, 98% of all U.S. employers are small businesses and they employ 54% of the workforce! That means there is a lot on the line for these entrepreneurs to make it work, but cloud-based apps can help them achieve their goals without breaking a sweat (or going broke). From bookkeeping to cash flow forecasting, small business accounting software is helping small businesses across the world sleep easier at night and boost their cash flow.

May 11, 2021
Cash flow

Managing your business: how to increase free cash flow for your business with Futrli

When you're running a small business, cash flow is always an issue. It's not just about the money coming in; it's also about the money going out. If your spending exceeds your sales, then there isn't any room for error or growth. This guide will help you take control of your cash flow by using Futrli, an online tool that offers real-time reporting and forecasting for all aspects of managing your business - from capital expenditures to receivables and payables.

May 10, 2021
Cash flow

The Smart Way to Manage Your Cash Flow

Starting a small business is exciting, but it can also be stressful. There are so many things to think about! You need to make sure you have enough cash flow for your company, and that's where Futrli comes in. Our small business software makes cash flow forecasting easier than ever before because we take care of all the hard work for you.

June 25, 2019
Cash flow

How to Forecast for Cash Flow and Cut Your Costs Using Cloud Technology

You've just opened your own business and you're wondering how to forecast cash flow. You want to make sure that you can plan for the future and stay on top of your finances so that your business doesn't suffer when times get tough. And, it's not just about forecasting - you also need a system in place to ensure that cash is coming in and going out as expected. How are you supposed to keep track of all this information?

June 25, 2019
Cash flow

7 Cash Flow for Small Businesses Myths Debunked - Teaching Small Businesses About Cash Flow

Setting up and running your own small business can be an exciting time, but it comes with its fair share of stress. 90% of small businesses in the UK that fails every year are taken down by cash flow problems. In Australia, 40% fail due to inadequate cash flow or high cash use. Knowledge is power, so don’t fall prey to these common myths about business cash flow and get on top of your cash flow management.

June 25, 2019
Cash flow

Cash Flow and Cash Management for Small Businesses: A Comprehensive Guide

As an entrepreneur, you might have many questions about small business cash flow and cash management. How much money do I need? When should I pay for things?