Present your data in beautifully clear and insightful reports. Financial reporting is easy with Futrli and doesn’t take long to master.
Creating your financial report or KPI report
Financial reporting on a four-weekly period is best practice for businesses. First create a report card, then select the cog in the top right of the card to place it into edit mode. This allows you to change the configuration of your report to ensure it suits your reporting requirements.
In this example, we want to change the date range of our report to view data weekly for a four-week period. To do so, simply select ‘This Week’ ‘& the previous’ ‘3 weeks’ as your date range under settings and then click done in the top right. That’s your four-week financial reporting set up!
Now we’re going to display four weeks of data in one report. You’re doing a similar process, but instead selecting ‘& the previous’ zero weeks. Next up, to the report tab.
You can create custom key performance indicators for your KPI report using the Formula Builder, but in this case, we can easily expand the row options and choose to show only cumulative data from the start of our report. This will give you your total income for the four-week report period. Remember to press save.
Customizing your reporting
So now you’ve got your report set up, let’s customize it to fit your business. Choose the way you want to see your data when reporting. Futrli is designed to be practical for small business owners and beautiful, so take advantage. A slick design can elevate your pitches of businesses and meetings to the next level. Choose from…
- Bar graphs
- Pie charts
- Tables
- Line graphs
You can even mix and match when reporting, so have a play with using the pie chart for your KPI reports, the bar graph for your forecast, etc.
Presentation mode is ideal when you need to talk through your findings of reporting with clients, colleagues, or shareholders. It essentially makes your dashboard full screen, so you can show what’s happened with no distractions. You can show the bigger picture of what’s going on in your company, utilizing the screen space you have to play with.
You’re able to scroll through your dashboard, card by card, displaying your rather beautiful report and making it the focus of your meeting. It allows you to hone in on the details where needed – so you can discuss each department or group as you go through them. It’ll stop any fumbling over your laptop, so won’t disrupt the flow of your meeting.
Every card on your board can be expended, and if you want to do them one by one, simply click the ‘expand’ icon on the card.
We’ve got you covered if you need to get a physical copy of your reports. Benefits of keeping paper copies of your reports include (but aren’t limited to):
- Some institutions (banks, etc) will only allow this format
- Some people “think” better on paper and/or are not familiar with computers
- Take away information
- Physical data back up
- Collaborate on paper – write as many notes as you need!
- Connect to different ways of working
- Check back on performance from that date
- Little margin for error
Some people think that printed reports mean you’re a bit limited with what you can do and can’t see a detailed breakdown of everything in the given business. With our PDF report builder, however, we’ve kept this all in mind: they’re fully flexible and customizable, yet quick to prepare.
Your printed reports will be exact replicas of whatever you’ve mocked up online. Keep these in mind if you want to make a real impact on those investors who will take them away, finding the beautifully prepared data a joy to analyze.