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Successful employee management for (small) business owners

Read our guide to successful employee management in (small) businesses.

Having a good relationship with your team members is key - establishing a company culture where people want to stay will help your company's success. It is easier to keep your employees than to find new ones. This is why we've created this guide to employee management.

Listen to their needs - employee engagement is key

It is key for your team to know you're listening to them. So let them speak, lean back, and take it in - employee recognition is strongest when they feel heard by their company. You as the business owner need a solid understanding of your whole business and team, whether it's their strenghts, complaints, interest in career development opportunities,...it's all important.

Effective employee management is helped by providing staff with good feedback and recognition processes. Offer regular feedback and appreciation for their accomplishments. This does, however, imply that managers must have time to set aside person and team meetings. Performance management takes time, but it is key in maintaining a good level of employee engagement.

There should also be a method for recognizing exceptional achievements. Outstanding employee performance needs to be recognized. This might be anything from a brief mention in the company newsletter to an awards ceremony. Whatever strategy you choose, make it bespoke rather than just sending out an all-company email.

Two people in meeting room
Outstanding employee performance needs to be recognized.

Find the right fits for your business

When management and workers are unified in one vision, purpose, and values, they are engaged. To guarantee that potential employees agree with your company's values, discuss these at the beginning of the hiring process.

Getting this right from the start may slow down the recruitment process to some extent. In any case, it can save a lot of time, money, and aggravation in the long run. In conclusion, employee management is more effective with the right employees.

If you want to attract team members who believe in your company's vision, make sure they know that you believe in them too. Most employees will quickly detect if their managers are just talking the talk or truly walking the walk. If they determine that it's the latter, they'll rapidly become dissatisfied.

Two women sitting on office desk
To guarantee that potential employees agree with your company's values, discuss these at the beginning of the hiring process.

Empower your employees

Even if your employees love the idea and vision behind your business, it is important that you manage and empower employees effectively. If they don't feel prepared to do their jobs, they will not stay forever.

There are three key components to effectively help your employees develop:

  • Training (both when they joing and ongoing)
  • Business processes
  • Work tools

In most businesses, all of these areas should be regarded as being in a continuous improvement process. Employee input should generally be the driving force behind any changes to managing employees. Even when initiatives are initially proposed by management, they should instead be created in conjunction with workers.

Office space
Employee input should generally be the driving force behind any changes to managing employees.

Find the right benefits

Establishing a system of benefits will create more motivated employees and decrease employee turnover. While not every employee wants the same things, some benefits are usually popular: flexibility, opportunities for personal development/training and health-related benefits.

Offering flexibility to your employees can mean a lot of things - it can be working from home, but also simply understanding what parts of their job have strict requirements and where there is room for negotiation between employee and senior management. This could be time, place, or both (or something else). Engaging employees in these conversations is key.

Help your team connect with each other

The claim that fully remote working restricts the scope for spontaneous employee interaction is one of the most common arguments against it. This isn't always accurate, and companies shouldn't rely on interactions that might or may not occur spontaneously over time.

While it may appear that a remote or hybrid model is not as beneficial for companies, this is not always the case. It might be quite useful for firms to plan social gatherings to get their employees to interact. Many events can function effectively whether they are held remotely or on a hybrid basis. In fact, since workers will have more time to attend them if they happen remotely.

Helping the team connecting with each other
The claim that fully remote working restricts the scope for spontaneous employee interaction is one of the most common arguments against it.

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